70 research outputs found

    Extracellular Vesicles from Cod (<i>Gadus morhua</i> L.) Mucus contain Innate Immune Factors and Deiminated Protein Cargo

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    Extracellular vesicles are released from cells and participate in cell communication via transfer of protein and genetic cargo derived from the parent cells. EVs play roles in normal physiology and immunity and are also linked to various pathological processes. Peptidylarginine deiminases (PADs) are phylogenetically conserved enzymes with physiological and pathophysiological roles. PADs cause post-translational protein deimination, resulting in structural and, in some cases, functional changes in target proteins and are also linked to EV biogenesis. This study describes for the first time EVs isolated from cod mucosa. Mucosal EVs were characterised by electron microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis and EV-specific surface markers. Cod mucosal EVs were found to carry PAD, complement component C3 and C-reactive proteins. C3 was found to be deiminated in both whole mucus and mucosal EVs, with some differences, and further 6 deiminated immune and cytoskeletal proteins were identified in EVs by LC-MS/MS analysis. As mucosal surfaces of teleost fish reflect human mucosal surfaces, these findings may provide useful insights into roles of EVs in mucosal immunity throughout phylogeny

    Pentraxins CRP-I and CRP-II are post-translationally deiminated and differ in tissue specificity in cod (Gadus morhua L.) ontogeny

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    Pentraxins are fluid phase pattern recognition molecules that form an important part of the innate immune defence and are conserved between fish and human. In Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.), two pentraxin-like proteins have been described, CRP-I and CRP-II. Here we show for the first time that these two CRP forms are post-translationally deiminated (an irreversible conversion of arginine to citrulline) and differ with respect to tissue specific localisation in cod ontogeny from 3 to 84 days post hatching. While both forms are expressed in liver, albeit at temporally differing levels, CRP-I shows a strong association with nervous tissue while CRP-II is strongly associated to mucosal tissues of gut and skin. This indicates differing roles for the two pentraxin types in immune responses and tissue remodelling, also elucidating novel roles for CRP-I in the nervous system. The presence of deimination positive bands for cod CRPs varied somewhat between mucus and serum, possibly facilitating CRP protein moonlighting, allowing the same protein to exhibit a range of biological functions and thus meeting different functional requirements in different tissues. The presented findings may further current understanding of the diverse roles of pentraxins in teleost immune defences and tissue remodelling, as well as in various human pathologies, including autoimmune diseases, amyloidosis and cancer

    Post-translational Protein Deimination in Cod (Gadus morhua L.) Ontogeny: Novel Roles in Tissue Remodelling and Mucosal Immune Defences?

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    Peptidylarginine deiminases (PADs) are calcium dependent enzymes with physiological and pathophysiological roles conserved throughout phylogeny. PADs promote post-translational deimination of protein arginine to citrulline, altering the structure and function of target proteins. Deiminated proteins were detected in the early developmental stages of cod from 11 days post fertilisation to 70 days post hatching. Deiminated proteins were present in mucosal surfaces and in liver, pancreas, spleen, gut, muscle, brain and eye during early cod larval development. Deiminated protein targets identified in skin mucosa included nuclear histones; cytoskeletal proteins such as tubulin and beta-actin; metabolic and immune related proteins such as galectin, mannan-binding lectin, toll-like receptor, kininogen, Beta2-microglobulin, aldehyde dehydrogenase, bloodthirsty and preproapolipoprotein A-I. Deiminated histone H3, a marker for anti-pathogenic neutrophil extracellular traps, was particularly elevated in mucosal tissues in immunostimulated cod larvae. PAD-mediated protein deimination may facilitate protein moonlighting, allowing the same protein to exhibit a range of biological functions, in tissue remodelling and mucosal immune defences in teleost ontogeny

    The Proteome and Citrullinome of Hippoglossus hippoglossus Extracellular Vesicles—Novel Insights into Roles of the Serum Secretome in Immune, Gene Regulatory and Metabolic Pathways

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid bilayer vesicles which are released from cells and play multifaceted roles in cellular communication in health and disease. EVs can be isolated from various body fluids, including serum and plasma, and are usable biomarkers as they can inform health status. Studies on EVs are an emerging research field in teleost fish, with accumulating evidence for important functions in immunity and homeostasis, but remain to be characterised in most fish species, including halibut. Protein deimination is a post-translational modification caused by a conserved family of enzymes, named peptidylarginine deiminases (PADs), and results in changes in protein folding and function via conversion of arginine to citrulline in target proteins. Protein deimination has been recently described in halibut ontogeny and halibut serum. Neither EV profiles, nor total protein or deiminated protein EV cargos have yet been assessed in halibut and are reported in the current study. Halibut serum EVs showed a poly-dispersed population in the size range of 50–600 nm, with modal size of EVs falling at 138 nm, and morphology was further confirmed by transmission electron microscopy. The assessment of EV total protein cargo revealed 124 protein hits and 37 deiminated protein hits, whereof 15 hits were particularly identified in deiminated form only. Protein interaction network analysis showed that deimination hits are involved in a range of gene regulatory, immune, metabolic and developmental processes. The same was found for total EV protein cargo, although a far wider range of pathways was found than for deimination hits only. The expression of complement component C3 and C4, as well as pentraxin-like protein, which were identified by proteomic analysis, was further verified in EVs by western blotting. This showed that C3 is exported in EVs at higher levels than C4 and deiminated C3 was furthermore confirmed to be at high levels in the deimination-enriched EV fractions, while, in comparison, C4 showed very low detection in deimination-enriched EV fractions. Pentraxin was exported in EVs, but not detected in the deimination-enriched fractions. Our findings provide novel insights into EV-mediated communication in halibut serum, via transport of protein cargo, including post-translationally deiminated proteins

    Peptidylarginine deiminase and deiminated proteins are detected throughout early halibut ontogeny - Complement components C3 and C4 are post-translationally deiminated in halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)

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    Post-translational protein deimination is mediated by peptidylarginine deiminases (PADs), which are calcium dependent enzymes conserved throughout phylogeny with physiological and pathophysiological roles. Protein deimination occurs via the conversion of protein arginine into citrulline, leading to structural and functional changes in target proteins. In a continuous series of early halibut development from 37 to 1050° d, PAD, total deiminated proteins and deiminated histone H3 showed variation in temporal and spatial detection in various organs including yolksac, muscle, skin, liver, brain, eye, spinal cord, chondrocytes, heart, intestines, kidney and pancreas throughout early ontogeny. For the first time in any species, deimination of complement components C3 and C4 is shown in halibut serum, indicating a novel mechanism of complement regulation in immune responses and homeostasis. Proteomic analysis of deiminated target proteins in halibut serum further identified complement components C5, C7, C8 C9 and C1 inhibitor, as well as various other immunogenic, metabolic, cytoskeletal and nuclear proteins. Post-translational deimination may facilitate protein moonlighting, an evolutionary conserved phenomenon, allowing one polypeptide chain to carry out various functions to meet functional requirements for diverse roles in immune defences and tissue remodelling

    Íslensk börn og unglingar með höfuðáverka : hve margir þurfa sérhæfða fræðslu, endurhæfingu eða eftirfylgd og hvers konar íhlutun er við hæfi?

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenTilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að kanna fjölda barna og unglinga, sem lýsa eftirstöðvum fjórum árum eftir höfuðáverka, og skoða eðli þessara kvartana, og meta þannig þörf fyrir sérhæfða íhlutun af mismunandi toga. Gögnum var safnað á framvirkan hátt um alla sjúklinga 0-19 ára, sem greindir voru með höfuðáverka (ICD-9 850-854) á Borgarspítalanum á einu ári, 1992-1993 (n=405). Fjórum árum síðar var spurningalisti um eftirstöðvar áverka sendur til sjúklinga. Alvarleikastig byggt á eðli kvartana var metið samkvæmt viðmiðum Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS), barnaútgáfu. Alls lýstu 39 sjúklingar lýstu eftirstöðvum höfuðáverka fjórum árum síðar. Samkvæmt viðmiðum GOS lýstu 19 þeirra góðri útkomu (e. good outcome), 14 lýstu miðlungs hömlun (e. moderate disability), 2 lýstu alvarlegri hömlun (severe disability) og 4 höfðu látist vegna heilaskaða. Nýleg athugun bendir til þess að ekki hafi orðið fækkun á börnum og unglingum sem hljóta alvarlegri höfuðáverka (ICD-9 851- 854) á ári hverju.Niðurstöður benda til þess að tugir íslenskra barna og unglinga þarfnist sérhæfðrar íhlutunar og eftirfylgdar á ári hverju vegna afleiðinga höfuðáverka. Íhlutunin getur verið mjög breytileg, allt frá fræðslu fyrir foreldra til endurhæfingar og eftirfylgdar til lengri tíma. Íhlutunin þarf að taka mið af vanda hvers og eins

    Pentraxins CRP-I and CRP-II are post-translationally deiminated and differ in tissue specificity in cod (Gadus morhua L.) ontogeny.

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    Pentraxins are fluid phase pattern recognition molecules that form an important part of the innate immune defence and are conserved between fish and human. In Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.), two pentraxin-like proteins have been described, CRP-I and CRP-II. Here we show for the first time that these two CRP forms are post-translationally deiminated (an irreversible conversion of arginine to citrulline) and differ with respect to tissue specific localisation in cod ontogeny from 3 to 84 days post hatching. While both forms are expressed in liver, albeit at temporally differing levels, CRP-I shows a strong association with nervous tissue while CRP-II is strongly associated to mucosal tissues of gut and skin. This indicates differing roles for the two pentraxin types in immune responses and tissue remodelling, also elucidating novel roles for CRP-I in the nervous system. The presence of deimination positive bands for cod CRPs varied somewhat between mucus and serum, possibly facilitating CRP protein moonlighting, allowing the same protein to exhibit a range of biological functions and thus meeting different functional requirements in different tissues. The presented findings may further current understanding of the diverse roles of pentraxins in teleost immune defences and tissue remodelling, as well as in various human pathologies, including autoimmune diseases, amyloidosis and cancer

    Peptidylarginine deiminase and deiminated proteins are detected throughout early halibut ontogeny - Complement components C3 and C4 are post-translationally deiminated in halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.)

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    Post-translational protein deimination is mediated by peptidylarginine deiminases (PADs), which are calcium dependent enzymes conserved throughout phylogeny with physiological and pathophysiological roles. Protein deimination occurs via the conversion of protein arginine into citrulline, leading to structural and functional changes in target proteins. In a continuous series of early halibut development from 37 to 1050° d, PAD, total deiminated proteins and deiminated histone H3 showed variation in temporal and spatial detection in various organs including yolksac, muscle, skin, liver, brain, eye, spinal cord, chondrocytes, heart, intestines, kidney and pancreas throughout early ontogeny. For the first time in any species, deimination of complement components C3 and C4 is shown in halibut serum, indicating a novel mechanism of complement regulation in immune responses and homeostasis. Proteomic analysis of deiminated target proteins in halibut serum further identified complement components C5, C7, C8 C9 and C1 inhibitor, as well as various other immunogenic, metabolic, cytoskeletal and nuclear proteins. Post-translational deimination may facilitate protein moonlighting, an evolutionary conserved phenomenon, allowing one polypeptide chain to carry out various functions to meet functional requirements for diverse roles in immune defences and tissue remodelling